Ave verum Corpus


Ave verum Corpus
natum ex María Vírgine.
Vere passum, immolátum
in cruce pro hómine.
Cuius latus perforátum
fluxit unda et sánguine.
Esto nobis praegustátum
mortis in exámine.
O clemens, O pie,
O dulcis Iesu Fili Maríae.


AH-veh VEH-room KAWHR-poos
NAH-toom ehks mah-REE-ah VEER-jee-neh.
VEH-reh PAHS-soom, ee-mawh-LAH-toom
een KROO-cheh prawh AWH-mee-neh.
KOO-yoos LAH-toos pehr-fawh-RAH-toom
FLOO-kseet OON-dah eht SAHNG-gwee-neh.
EH-stawh NAWH-bees preh-goo-STAH-toom
MAWHR-tees een ek-SAH-mee-neh.
awh KLEH-mehns, awh PEE-eh,
awh DOOL-chees YEH-soo FEE-lee mah-REE-eh.


Hail, true Body
born of the Virgin Mary.
You who truly suffered and were sacrificed
on the cross for the sake of man.
From whose pierced side
flowed water and blood:
Be a foretaste for us
in the trial of death.
O sweet, O merciful,
O Jesus, Son of Mary.


attr. Pope Innocent VI

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