Exaudi Deus orationem meam


Exáudi, Deus, oratiónem meam,
et ne despéxeris deprecatiónem meam;
inténde mihi, et exáudi me.

Secunda pars

Contristátus sum
in exercitatióne mea;
et conturbátus sum a voce inimíci,
et a tribulatione peccatóris.


ehk-SAHOO-dee DEH-oos awh-rah-tsee-AWH-nehm MEH-ahm
eht neh deh-SPEH-k’seh-rees deh-preh-kah-tsee-AWH-nehm MEH-ahm
een-TEHN-deh MEE-kee eht eh-K’SAHOO-dee meh

kawhn-tree-STAH-toos soom
een ehk-sehr-chee-tah-tsee-AWH-neh MEH-ah
eht kawhn-toor-BAH-toos SOOM ah VAWH-cheh ee-nee-MEE-chee
eht ah tree-boo-lah-tsee-AWH-neh pehk-kah-TAWH-rees.


Hear, O God, my prayer,
and despise not my supplication;
be attentive to me, and hear me.

Part 2

I am grieved
in my exercise;
and am troubled at the voice of the enemy,
and at the tribulation of the sinner.


Psalm 55(54):2–3a
Psalm 55(54):3b–4a

Pine Bluff, Wisconsin · Pastorate 19 · Roman Catholic Diocese of Madison