Puer natus est nobis


Puer natus est nobis,
et fílius datus est nobis.
Glória in excélsis Deo,
et in terra pax homínibus
bonae voluntátis, allelúia.
Verbum caro factum est,
et habitávit in nobis, allelúia.


POO-ehr NAH-toose ehst NAWH-beese,
eht FEE-lee-oose DAH-toose ehst NAWH-beese.
GLAWH-ree-ah een ehk-SHELL-sees DEH-awh,
eht een TEHR-rah pahks awh-MEE-nee-boose
BAWH-neh vawh-loon-TAH-tees, ahl-leh-LOO-yah.
VEHR-boom KAH-rawh FAHK-toom ehst,
eht ah-bee-TAH-veet een NAW-beese, ahl-leh-LOO-yah.


A child is born to us,
and a son is given to us.
Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to men
of good will, alleluia.
The Word was made flesh,
and dwelt among us, alleluia.


Is 9:6; Lk 2:14; Jn 1:14

Pine Bluff, Wisconsin · Pastorate 19 · Roman Catholic Diocese of Madison